Notice of Proposed New Pilot Fee for Scottsdale Stadium
Mar 14, 2024Description:
Under the City of Scottsdale Community Services Division Schedule of Program Charges, Rental Fees, and Fines effective July 1, 2023 (CS Fees and Charges Policy) and adopted by City Council through Resolution No. 12805 on May 16, 2023, the City of Scottsdale Community Services Representative (as defined in the CS Fees and Charges Policy) may authorize fees on a trial or “pilot” basis of approximately one year or less with a possible temporary extension, subject to compliance with the CS Fees and Charges Policy, provided any state law requirements are followed, including as necessary the required notice and approval by the applicable board or commission. The Parks and Recreation Commission is the applicable board or commission designated under the CS Fees and Charges Policy to review this proposed pilot fee.
In accordance with A.R.S. § 9-499.15, public notice is hereby given that the City of Scottsdale Parks and Recreation Commission (Commission) may consider recommending a new pilot fee for the newly completed First Base Patio at the Scottsdale Stadium at its meeting scheduled to be held at 4 p.m. on May 15, 2024 at the Adaptive Services Center located at 8102 E. Jackrabbit Road, Scottsdale, AZ 85250, but no sooner than 60 days after the posting date of this notice. Following the Commission’s recommendation, the Community Services Representative may implement the new Scottsdale Stadium First Base Patio fee for approximately one year or less, with a possible temporary extension, subject to compliance with the CS Fees and Charges Policy.
Schedule of New Pilot Fee and Written Report
Scottsdale Stadium is located on the southeast corner of Osborn Rd and Drinkwater Blvd. Since its re-construction in 1992, the Stadium has hosted a wide range of events, including baseball games, concerts, festivals, and community gatherings. Renovations and expansions have been undertaken to modernize the facility and enhance the fan experience. The First Base Patio project was completed in February 2024 and the City of Scottsdale will begin programming this space. With the completion of this project, a fee is necessary to appropriately charge for use of the patio.
While determining the appropriate fee to charge to rent the new First Base Patio, a comparison was made with the Charro Lodge, an existing event space at the Stadium, which has similar amenities. Factors such as square footage, capacity, demand, and market rates were considered to ensure the fees for the First Base Patio are competitive and reflective of the value it offers compared to the Charro Lodge. If implemented, the new pilot fee will be in addition to the already established fees for Scottsdale Stadium.
The intent is for the fees, if implemented by the Community Services Representative as outlined above and in the CS Fees and Charges Policy, to become effective as of May 16, 2024 on a pilot basis and then be adopted by the Scottsdale City Council on a more permanent basis through the annual Community Services Fees and Charges process for FY 25/26.
A schedule of the proposed new pilot fee follows: