
The General Plan is designed to be a broad, flexible, living document that is legally amendable. There are many decisions and events that compel it to respond to the changing conditions, needs, and desires of the community. It can be revised through city-initiated amendments, through citizen/property owner requests, or through referenda (citizen petition and vote). Ultimately, the decision to amend the General Plan is in the hands of the City Council.

Major General Plan Amendments

Arizona State Statute defines a major amendment as a proposal that results in a substantial alteration of the municipality's land use mixture or balance, as established in the city's General Plan land use element. Each city is required to establish its own criteria for what constitutes major and minor General Plan amendments.

Arizona State Law requires that all requests for Major General Plan Amendments be presented at a public hearing within 12 months of when a proposal is made. The amendment process involves a review and notification process, and requires two (2) separate Planning Commission hearings before going to the City Council for final approval or denial. A two-thirds majority vote of the City Council is needed to approve a Major General Plan Amendment.


Neighborhood Involvement

Public participation is an important component of successful planning, community building, and decision making. In addition to the items check-marked on the Neighborhood Involvement Checklist, the following information is pertinent to the neighborhood involvement process for both Major and Non-Major General Plan Amendments:

  • Provide information to Property owners and HOAs within 1250-feet of the perimeter of the subject site,
  • Post a “Project Under Consideration' sign 10 calendar days prior to your first Open House Meeting,
  • Hold one open house meeting, and
  • Contact property owners and HOAs at least two times prior to the public hearing process.


Last Updated: May 29, 2024

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