Council Meeting Resources

Agendas & Minutes

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Planned Future Agendas
Types of meetings
- Regular and Special Council Meetings
The Council holds regularly-scheduled Meetings twice a month at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesdays, as feasible. Additional meetings may be called as needed. Depending on holidays, elections, etc., the precise schedule may vary. Please refer to the current meeting agenda or view the future meeting planner for the specific details of an upcoming meeting.
- Work Study Sessions
Work Study Sessions are held to provide the Council with the opportunity to discuss City issues in a less formal manner. Other than to provide direction to staff, no action is taken at a Work Study Session. Fifteen minutes may be set aside at the beginning of the study session for public comment, but such comment is limited to the items on the agenda.
- Executive Sessions
The Council may make a motion to recess into Executive Session to discuss and consult with attorneys and representatives of the public body to obtain legal advice on any applicable item on tonight's agenda. If authorized by a majority vote of the Council, the Executive Session will be held immediately after the vote and will not be open to the public. The public meeting will resume following the Executive Session.
Meeting procedures
In 2011, the Scottsdale City Council adopted "Rules of Council Procedure" to provide a written process for conducting official Council business. The Rules are updated periodically by the City Council.
Meeting decorum
Citizens attending and participating in a City Council meeting either in-person or telephonically are required to observe the same rules of order and decorum applicable to members of the Council and staff. Unauthorized remarks or demonstrations from members of the audience, such as personal remarks, applause, yells, outbursts, and/or other disruptions are not permitted.
Citizen Petitions
Citizen petitions may be submitted by a citizen of the city at any Regular Council meeting during the first or the second Public Comment period. A Request to Speak Form must be submitted to the City Clerk, together with the original, signed petition(s), before the Mayor announces the second Public Comment period. There is no limit on the number of petitions a citizen may submit; however, each citizen is limited to a total time of three minutes to present and speak to his/her petition(s).
Public Participation
City Council meetings are also televised on Cox Cable Channel 11 and streamed online at (search “live stream”).
In-Person spoken public comment is being accepted on Consent and Regular Agenda items. In-Person spoken public comment is also being accepted on non-agendized items that are within the Council's jurisdiction. Council Rules reserve this open public comment for Scottsdale citizens, business owners, and/or property owners. No official Council action can be taken on these items. Advocacy for or against a candidate or ballot measure during a Council meeting is not allowed pursuant to State law and is therefore not deemed to be within the Council's jurisdiction.
Requests for in-person public comment may be submitted online or at the City Council meeting. Registration for in-person public comment is available online by completing a Request to Speak form. In-Person Public Comment Request to Speak forms for Consent, Regular, and Non-Agendized items must be submitted online no later than 90 minutes before the start of the meeting. Links to sign up to speak on these items are located on the first page of each agenda. Additionally, in-person meeting attendees may submit a Request to Speak form utilizing the kiosk located in the foyer area of City Hall for each agenda item they wish to address. Forms must be submitted and received before the Mayor announces the agenda item. Individuals unable to provide in-person public comment may submit a written comment to the Council.
Written public comment may be submitted to the Council in-person by visiting the City Clerk's Office and completing a yellow written public comment card or electronically by completing a Written Public Comment form. Written comments submitted electronically at least 90 minutes before the meeting, will be emailed to the Council and posted online prior to the meeting. A link to submit written public comment is located on the first page of each agenda.
Requests for accommodation
Persons with a disability may request a reasonable accommodation by contacting the City Clerk's Office at 480-312-2412. Requests should be made as early as possible to allow time to arrange accommodation.
The Scottsdale Mayor and Council thank you for your interest in Scottsdale City government. If you have questions about the Council Meeting agendas or schedule, please contact the City Clerk's Office at 480-312-2412.