Upcoming Elections

The city of Scottsdale will hold a Primary Election on Tuesday, July 30, 2024 for the purpose of electing a Mayor and three Councilmembers. To be elected at the Primary Election, a candidate must receive a majority of all of the legal votes cast for that candidate’s race. A General Election shall be held on Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2024 to elect any office that remains unfilled after the Primary Election. The City Council also referred two items to the November ballot for Scottsdale voters to consider - a city proposal to replace and reduce an expiring sales tax, and an adjustment to the city's state-imposed spending limitation.

Voting Information

Find information about voting:

  • Voting Locations & Ballot Boxes
  • Voting Assistance
  • Links to Register

Election Resources

Campaign Finance Reports
Campaign Process & Forms
Candidate Listing
Historical Election Results
Initiative, Referendum and Recall
Voting Information
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