
The Pedestrian Element of Scottsdale's Transportation Action Plan (TAP) prioritizes enhanced pedestrian crossings including bridges, tunnels, pedestrian refuge islands, pedestrian hybrid beacons and rectangular rapid flashing beacons. The city's Guidelines to Identify Pedestrian Crossing Treatments is a document that outlines the city's decision-making process for identifying and prioritizing areas for enhanced pedestrian crossings.

View the Guidelines to Identify Pedestrian Crossing Treatments

Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon

The city has eleven pedestrian hybrid beacons (PHB). The PHB's are sometimes referred to as a High Intensity Activated Crosswalk (HAWK). PHB's are installed on busy streets, and in high pedestrian areas, to help make crossing safer. Unlike traditional traffic signals pedestrian hybrid beacons operate only when a pedestrian pushes the crossing button. Vehicles are free to move through the intersection when no one is crossing the street and should respond to yellow and red lights as they would with any other traffic signal.

View the Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons map

How a Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon signal works:

  • The beacon is normally in an “off” position and operates only when a pedestrian pushes the crossing button.
  • Once activated, a yellow flashing light will alert drivers approaching the crosswalk to slow down.
  • The flashing yellow light is followed by a solid yellow light, alerting drivers to prepare to stop.
  • The solid yellow light is followed by a solid red light, alerting drivers to stop.
  • Pedestrians will see a walk signal and hear an audible crossing countdown.
  • The solid red light will be flowed by a flashing red light alerting drivers that they may proceed through the intersection when it safe to do so.

Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon

A Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) is a traffic control device used to increase driver awareness at crosswalks. The device is typically used in marked mid-block crossings and at uncontrolled intersections. When activated the RRFB emits amber colored lights that flash in irregular patters to alert drivers of their responsibility to yield to pedestrians in the crosswalk. Pedestrians can activate the RRFB by pushing a crossing button, in some applications the device is activated by pedestrian movement.

High Visibility Crosswalks and Pedestrian Refuge Islands

The city uses a variety of pedestrian crossing treatments to meet the unique needs of Scottsdale's non-motorized street users. These crossing treatments include high visibility striped crosswalks, pedestrian refuge islands and separated grade crossings. Please see the city's Guidelines to Identify Pedestrian Crossing Treatments for complete information.

Last Updated: Jul 15, 2024

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9191 E. San Salvador Dr. Suite 205 Scottsdale, AZ 85258
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