
The city's Traffic Engineering team works alongside city planners to analyze the impacts of proposed development on existing transportation systems. If additional infrastructure is needed, developers are required to provide the city with a Traffic Impact Mitigation Analysis (TIMA) document that details the expected impact to the local transportation network. City traffic engineers may request developers to adjust site plans to mitigate traffic impacts or request improvements such as roundabouts, traffic signals, pedestrian crossings, or additional turning lanes based on their review of the TIMA report. The city will also utilize the report to review the attributes of proposed developments in conjunction with requests for annexation, land subdivision, zoning changes, building permits, or other development review. The city completed 43 TIMA reviews in 2022. The Scottsdale Design Standards & Policy Manual (DSPM) outlines the TIMA requirements.

A TIMA document addresses the following issues:

  • The current transportation system and operation characteristics in the site vicinity
  • The interface between the on-site circulation system and the adjacent circulation system
  • The intensity and character of development
  • Trip generation
  • Capacity and Safety impacts of the proposed developments on existing and planned transportation systems

Last Updated: Jul 15, 2024

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Traffic Engineering

9191 E. San Salvador Dr. Suite 205 Scottsdale, AZ 85258
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