Get fit & stay fit at our fitness centers. Our fitness center are great alternatives to health clubs. Our facilities offer an extensive variety of free weights, elliptical machines, circuit machines, stationary bikes, cardio equipment and treadmills.


Monthly and daily drop-in fees provide convenient options for visitors or those who don't want to be committed to an ongoing membership.

Senior Fitness Center FeesResidentNon-Resident
Drop-in $3$5
1 Month$15$25
3 Month $40$60
Annual $130$195


Fitness Equipment Orientation

Want to learn more about the fitness center equipment. Join us for a better understanding of the equipment you're using. Contact Granite Reef Senior Center front desk to signup.

Every 2nd & Fourth Tuesday at 10-11am at Granite Reef Senior Center.

Fitness Centers will be closed for Senior Strength Training Classes

Via Linda Senior Center:
Mondays & Wednesdays: 11am - noon and 5:45-6:45 p.m.
Tuesdays & Thursdays: 10-11 a.m.

Granite Reef Senior Center:
Tuesdays & Thursdays: 10-11 a.m.

Fitness Centers

Granite Reef Senior Center
1700 N. Granite Reef Rd
Scottsdale, AZ 85257

Various types of gym equipment

Via Linda Senior Center
10440 E. Via Linda
Scottsdale, AZ 85258

Chair Exercise

Drop-in chair exercise classes open to participants who want to improve their strength & balance. No registration required.

Granite Reef Senior Center
Tuesdays & Thursdays 10-11 a.m.

Drop in Chair Yoga - Via Linda Senior Center
Mondays & Tuesdays: noon-1 p.m. 
$10 resident / $13 non-resident


Yoga, Meditation and Sound Healing Workshops

Enjoy a relaxing experience with gentle yin yoga postures, yoga nidra guided meditation, mixed with sound healing and aromatherapy. Some props provided including blocks, blankets and bolsters. This class will be mainly on the floor with the use of props to support the body. This practice is accessible to most everyone and could be done in seated chair as well.  

Two-hour workshops are held at Via Linda Senior Center signup online or at the front desk.

Wednesday March 12, 2 p.m.
Monday March 24, 5 p.m.
Monday April 14, 3 p.m.
Thursday May 15, 5 p.m.


Deep Relaxation Chair Yoga/Pilates

Join Chair Yoga, Chair Pilates and Relaxation expert workshop to relax deeply in a chair or on the floor if you prefer. Practices will include a guided breathing practice to quiet and rest your mind; some deep stretching practices with calming background music, to release muscle tension and aches; and we'll conclude with a guided settling practice that is perfect for the followed by a signing bowl sound bath in surround sound. All students are requested to bring small pillow or travel neck pillow for their head.

75-minuite workshops are held at Via Linda Senior Center signup online or at the front desk

Saturday April 26, 10:15 a.m.

image of mcdowell village senior living logo

Welcome to McDowell Village, conveniently located in South Scottsdale, adjacent to the Granite Reef Senior Center. Here, local seniors have access to high-quality Independent Living and Assisted Living services. In fact, because of our trained staff and customized care, McDowell Village was recently ranked “Best Independent Living” and “Best Assisted Living” by U.S. News and World Report.

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