
The Scottsdale Police Department Internal Affairs Section reports directly to the Office of the Chief of Police, and is responsible for providing fair and impartial investigations of allegations of misconduct by department employees from complaints within the department, as well as external investigations, which come from the public. Each year, Internal Affairs completes an annual report of its activities.

View 2022 Internal Affairs Activities Report

Filing a Complaint

It is the policy of the Scottsdale Police Department to vigorously and thoroughly investigate each complaint against its employees to preserve the public confidence of our employees. All such investigations are conducted in a fair and expeditious manner in accordance with department, state, and federal laws and regulations.

Comment on a Police Officer

Who may make a complaint?

Any person who witnesses or has direct knowledge of police employee misconduct may make a complaint with the Scottsdale Police Department. The complainant need not have been personally involved in order to advise the department of misconduct. The Scottsdale Police Department will investigate any employee actions that are contrary to department policy, are a violation of city, state, or federal law, or involves the use of excessive force or discourteous treatment.

How do you file a complaint?

Generally, complaints are filed through the supervisor of the involved employee. If you do not know the employee's supervisor you may file the complaint by advising any Scottsdale Police Supervisor or the Internal Affairs Unit. A complaint may be submitted in person, by telephone, mail, email Internal Affairs or anonymously through our online comment form. Be prepared to furnish essential information such as employees' names, locations, report numbers, dates and times.

When making a complaint simply relay the facts as you know them and be mindful that you will be asked specific questions regarding the incident. In order to establish reasonable time limits for investigating employee misconduct, complaints on personnel are not accepted more than ninety days after the incident is alleged to have occurred, with the following exceptions:

  1. When the complaint involves a criminal violation, the criminal statute of limitations prevails. However, such limitations will not prevent the department from accepting the complaint or taking disciplinary action deemed necessary to preserve department integrity for policy, procedure, or rule violations.
  2. When the complainant can show good cause for not making the complaint within the specified time limit.
  3. At direction of an Assistant Chief or Division Commander/Director based on findings of a preliminary investigation.
Who investigates the complaint?
In most cases, the supervisor of the employee will conduct an inquiry into the alleged misconduct. In instances of severe allegations of misconduct, the Internal Affairs Unit will conduct and prepare the investigation. City, state, and federal personnel laws govern an employee's privacy rights. Disciplinary records may not be subject to public disclosure without a court order. Complainants are advised of the investigation's findings and whether disciplinary action will be taken within set timeframes. There is more information regarding the Internal Affairs Investigation process in the General Orders
How to commend a police employee?

Internal Affairs also maintains a history of commendations from the public. When you receive service from our department that you feel is worthy of a commendation, we would like to hear about it. The best way to commend a Scottsdale Police employee is to fill out online comment form. Or, you may also write a brief letter or email Internal Affairs describing the incident and the actions you feel were exceptional. Including the date, time and location will help us identify the employee if you do not know his or her name. If you choose not to write you may call the department and speak to Internal Affairs or the employees supervisor.

Commendations are forwarded through the Office of the Chief to the employee with a copy placed in his or her personnel file. Although our employees do not expect to be thanked for everything they do, recognition of exceptional service is always appreciated. This kind of feedback helps us to know if we are doing a good job.

Last Updated: Oct 4, 2024

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Police Department

8401 E. Indian School Road Scottsdale, AZ 85251
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