In accordance with the requirement of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (“ADA”), the City of Scottsdale will not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities on the basis of disability in its services, programs or activities.
Notice under the Americans with disability act (ADA)
In 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was established to ensure inclusive and equal opportunity for persons with disabilities in all aspects of American life. By breaking down and eliminating barriers, the ADA provides individuals with disabilities equal opportunity to participate in all aspects of community life.
The ADA prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability. Under the law, the City of Scottsdale must ensure that its programs, services and activities are readily accessible and usable by qualified persons with disabilities. As a public entity, the city will reasonably modify its policies, practices and procedures to ensure the full participation of everyone.
The City of Scottsdale does not discriminate on the basis of disability in its hiring or employment practices and complies with all regulations promulgated by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission under Title I of the Americans with Disability Act (ADA).
Effective Communication:
The City of Scottsdale will provide appropriate auxiliary aids and services, including qualified sign language interpreters, assistive listening devices, and materials in alternative formats, whenever necessary to ensure effective communications for qualified persons with disabilities.
Modifications to Policies and Procedures:
The City of Scottsdale will make all reasonable modifications to policies and programs to ensure that people with disabilities have an equal opportunity to enjoy all city programs, services and activities.
Complaints that a city program, service or activity that is not accessible to persons with disabilities should be directed to the City of Scottsdale's Diversity Program Director, Jackie Johnson.
Requesting Accommodations
Making city services and facilities accessible to all citizens is a priority to Scottsdale. Use the following information to request accommodations or modifications for your disability.
Submit a Request for Accommodations
City of Scottsdale Programs & Events
Whether you are considering attending a Parks and Recreation class, libraries speaker, Green Building workshop, Council meeting, or development open house, or any of the many city-sponsored programs or activities, disability-related accommodations can be requested to assist you to be a participant, or to more fully enjoy that participation.
Requests should be made to the contact person for that particular activity or program or by contacting us via email.
Need for alternate format materials
We can provide any printed city publication in an alternate format upon request. These formats include large print, audio cassette, electronic text via disc or email, or Braille. Alternate format materials require time to convert, so request must be made in advance if they are to be available at the time of the program or activity.
Need for an interpreter for the deaf and hard of hearing
Requests for interpreters, such as an ASL sign language interpreter, signed English interpreted, or oral interpreter, should be made as early as possible to allow time to arrange accommodation. Every effort will be made to obtain interpreters with less than a two-week notice, however they cannot be guaranteed with this shortened time period.
City Pedestrian Ways
The City of Scottsdale has a constantly rotating maintenance schedule for its sidewalk and intersection maintenance, and they are constantly being improved with new development. However, if you have difficulty traversing a specific area of the city due to the need for sidewalk access, or audible pedestrian signals, please request those improvements by clinking on the links below and filling out the online form, or by calling Streets and Alleys, Streetlight and Traffic Signal Maintenance, at 480-312-5620.
Report Sidewalk, Street Light, or Traffic Signal Accessibility/Maintenance Issues.
City Facilities
The City of Scottsdale is striving to improve and maintain its aging facilities in accordance with ever-changing city, state and national building codes. While the majority of our sites are accessible, you can call to confirm that a location is barrier-free, to determine the nearest accessible parking location or drop-off area, or for the closest public transit stop.
Until we can get every facility barrier-free you may report any specific difficulty with access to city owned or maintained facility, by contacting us at 480-312-2500.
Community Facilities and Events
The City of Scottsdale has no jurisdiction over privately owned community facilities, and events not sponsored by the city. Therefore, requests for accommodation to these cannot be made through the City of Scottsdale Office of ADA.
Work directly with the business, event sponsor or housing provider to let them know of your needs. Most often, they will be responsive once they understand what is being requested and why. Here are a few resources for you to refer to when requesting accommodations from the community providers.
If you are a business owner, event producer or housing provider here are some resources:
- Who has obligations?
- ADA Business Document links
- Barrier removal for parking
- Barrier removal overview
- Accessible temporary events
- Reasonable accommodations under the Fair Housing Act
- Fair Housing Accessibility FIRST
Developer Resources
The city has adopted and uses the standards from the following documents for accessible design and building:
- 2012 International Building Code (IBC)
- ADA Technical Assistance Manuals
- 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design
For more specific information on how these standards apply to Scottsdale development, consult the following:
- Scottsdale Design Standards & Policy Manual (DS&PM), Disability Accessibility
- 2008 City of Scottsdale MAG Supplement Standard Details
- City of Scottsdale Codes & Ordinances (Disability Related)
- Sec. 4-7 (Interference with Service Animal)
- Sec. 17-115 (Parking Time Limits)
- Sec. 17-124 (Reserved Parking Enforcement)
- Sec. 31-31 (Building Code Adoption)
- Sec. 9.105 (Accessible Parking Space Requirements)
ADA Team for Scottsdale
Human Resources
Darlene Ganger
Community Services
Adaptive Recreation
City Manager's office
Jackie Johnson
Plan Review Office
Tom Barrs
Last Updated: Jun 23, 2024