City Council signs the Unity Pledge
On Aug. 25, 2014, the Scottsdale City Council unanimously approved the city's signature on the Unity Pledge, a concerted effort by Arizona businesses and individuals to advance workplace equality and equal treatment in housing and hospitality for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) individuals and their allies.
Join us
Whether you are a business, non-profit organization, service club, an individual or a family, you can show your commitment to equality and fairness by taking the Unity Pledge.
Why is this important?
The Council's action affirms the city's commitment to diversity and inclusion and is a public expression of Scottsdale's desire to be a welcoming place for all people – both as an employer and as a community.
"This message resonates with more than just LGBT citizens," said David Simmons, former chief of staff to Mayor David D. Ortega. "It resonates with the entire community and people who want to come here."
Last Updated: Jun 29, 2024