Via Linda Road CFD


Formed in 1998, the Via Linda Road District (District) is a special purpose taxing district and separate political subdivision under Arizona statutes. As such, the District can levy taxes and issue bonds, independent of the City of Scottsdale, Arizona (City). Property owners within the District boundaries pay for District infrastructure and functions through secondary property tax assessments. City staff administers the District and the costs of their services are reimbursed by District funds. The Scottsdale City Council also serves as the District Board of Directors.

The District was formed to finance and acquire or construct amenities that are subsequently dedicated to the City for operation. The District does not own or operate infrastructure. Since formation, District bonds have been issued, and the proceeds used to acquire or construct an extension of Via Linda Road eastward and the development of trailheads.

Financial Highlights

For the year ending 2022/23, the District’s:

  • Tax collections and beginning fund balances were sufficient to pay debt service.
  • Tax rate continued to comply with the City-imposed assessment limit of $3.00 per $100 assessed valuation; the tax rate was $1.20 per $100 assessed valuation.
  • Governmental funds reported an ending fund balance of $76,944.
  • Governmental fund revenues were more than expenditures by $39,270, the tax rate increased from $1.04 in fiscal year 2021/22 to $1.20.
  • Total long-term debt decreased by $210,000 due to scheduled principal payments.
  • Significant bond indentures were in compliance.
