Where Do The Funds Go?

What results did Scottsdale Cares have in the fiscal year 2017/18?

What human service agencies are assisted by Scottsdale Cares?

  • Non-profit agencies that provide essential services to Scottsdale citizens are eligible to receive funding.

How many human services agencies are assisted by Scottsdale Cares?

  • The number of agencies funded each year is based on the amount available (calculated from prior year donations) and the amount requested/funded for each agency.  In order to be eligible for funding, programs have to:
    • Promote the positive development of youth, adults, and/or seniors
    • Strengthen the capability of families and the self-sufficiency of adults, and
    • Assist Scottsdale citizens of all ages to address crisis needs

Why doesn't the City fund these programs?

  • The City of Scottsdale funded $150,000 (FY 2018/19) to local human service agencies, but the need is far greater than what the City can provide.

Can individuals apply for assistance through Scottsdale Cares?

  • No, only nonprofit organizations that serve Scottsdale residents may apply. However, the agencies funded provide a wide range of valuable services to youth, families, adults, and senior citizens.

Who decides how Scottsdale Cares' proceeds will be spent?

  • Scottsdale's Human Services Commission reviews all applications with recommendations forwarded to the City Council for final approval.