Lowest Floor Elevation and FEMA Elevation Certifications

The City of Scottsdale requires a lowest floor elevation certification for new buildings. The city also requires a FEMA Elevation Certificate for new buildings constructed in a Special Flood Hazard Area.

Elevation Certificate Search

Elevation Certificates:

Lowest Floor Elevation #033

Verification of lowest floor level is required to be submitted and approved after the slab has been poured and prior to #014 (Strap & Shear) inspection being scheduled. Complete Lowest Floor Verification (PDF) form and email to: [email protected]

FEMA Elevation Certificate #045

Required for all insurable structures within existing or pending FEMA Special Flood Hazard Areas (flood zones). This includes flood zones A, AE, AH, and AO. An elevation certificate is not required within flood zones D or X, which is consistent with FEMA regulations. Only elevation certificates submitted to support building permit compliance or a Letter of Map Change application are subject to city review. Where elevation certificates are required, verification of approval is required before a final Certificate of Occupancy will be issued. Within flood zones having a base flood elevation, a Registered Land Surveyor or Registered Civil Engineer is required to prepare the elevation certificate. Within flood zones not having a base flood elevation, an owner or authorized agent may prepare the elevation certificate.

FEMA published a new elevation certificate form and instructions on July 7, 2023 (2022 Edition). The newly revised Elevation Certificate (FEMA form FF-206-FY-22-152, formerly 086-0-33) including instructions can now be accessed at: https://www.fema.gov/ or here. Applicants are required to use this form effective July 7, 2023.

New FEMA Elevation Certificate NFIPCRS Email

FEMA Guidance letter

Please submit the FEMA Elevation Certificate to the Floodplain Administrator for approval at: [email protected]. Elevation Certificates sent directly to city staff via their work email will not be reviewed.

Contact Information

Inspection Services
P: 480-312-5750
regarding #033 Lowest Floor Elevation

P: 480-312-2500
regarding #045 FEMA Elevation Certificate