Search Results Survey

Couldn't find it? Check out ScottsdaleEZ! Search or select View More Categories to report problems, look up information or ask a question.

We want to improve our site and your experience! Please tell us what you were looking for and what search terms you used that were unsuccessful. If you include your contact information, we will try to help you find what you were seeking.

Our website staff will use the information you provide below to improve the site search tool so please be as specific as possible. This is not a general contact or comment form for the city, you can find that on our contact page or by calling 480-312-3111.

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If you'd like someone to contact you and help you find what you were seeking, please include your contact information below.
This is a secure form. All information is encrypted to prevent interception by unauthorized parties. However, information submitted through this form is used by city staff to improve our web services and is also subject to public information laws. The information may not be confidential.
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